Hi y'all, it's me, that girl katie, Here is latest DIY video. Another way to design and paint a rug with the help of Vecco.
Thanks Vecco for sharing your product with me.
Hi y'all, it's me, that girl katie, Here is latest DIY video. Another way to design and paint a rug with the help of Vecco.
Thanks Vecco for sharing your product with me.
Hi y'all, it's me, that girl katie,
Hi y'all, it's me, that girl katie, I travel with my kids fairly often and wanted to share some tips that I have discovered work for me and hopefully will help you too. It all starts with how you pack.
Packing Video Source List:
Carry on backpack – Patagonia Wallet - LeSportSac Duffle bags – LL Bean (Large) 3 clothing bags – Ebags Box Bag (bag inside duffle) – Container Store Toiletry Bag – dormousejh.com Toy Bag – One Step Ahead Extra clothes bag – One Step Ahead Stroller – Britex Bready Baby Bed- Phil and Ted Car Seat Bag – Target Computer – Powerbook Air – 13”
Hi y'all, it's me, that girl katie, I have had this runner for at least 8 years and have wanted to replace it but decided to give it a quick DIY to see if I could get a few more years out of it.
It was so worth it and it really didn't take me that long. I taped it one evening once my kids went to bed and it took me 1 hour to paint it. Yes, I timed myself because I only had an hour before nap time was over and kids would want to run on it and leave black foot prints everywhere. I did pull it outside to dry in the cold winter air once I was finished & the kids didn't notice it until the next day.
Here is my photo journal along with my steps. You can also refer to my DIY chevron rug video in my video post note if you want to watch how to paint a rug. The overall process of the 2 rugs are very similar.
1. Find a pattern that works for you and your rug 2. Tape it off 3. Cut extra tape aka clean up the tape to look like the pattern 4. Paint rug - I used basic latex black paint 5. Let dry 6. Take tape off for the big reveal