Hi y'all, it's me, that girl katie, Nope, I don't have cancer but my sister does. It's been a surreal summer with an enormous amount of emotions running frequently throughout the days. I can't complain because it's simple, I am healthy.

My sister and I live far away which is hard on a normal day but then add cancer to the equation and it makes me wish I knew how to fly an airplane so I could pop in to simply hold her hand or give her a kiss and hug.

I have tired to come up with some creative ways of showing my unconditional love and support outside of the normal phone calls and cards from thousands miles away.

I wanted to share my ideas incase you are supporting a loved one from a far.

(if you click on the images below the entire collage will pop up larger)

Source list:

- Embroidery: http://www.dormousejh.com - Organic Fruit: http://www.harryanddavid.com - Custom Bracelets: http://www.wrist-band.com - Soup: http://www.spoonfulofcomfort.com - Curb Cancer: http://www.pinkcart.com

I love you Stacy. Keep Fighting!