Hey there, it's me, that girl katie! This is my 1st blog entry.
I feel as if the theme song to Doogie Howser, M.D. should be playing as I write this.
Ever since I watched the show as a kid I have imagined keeping a journal on a computer would be very cool (of course with a theme song playing in the background) However, the truth is writing has never been something I have enjoyed or found easy.
Question: So, why do I feel the need to do a blog?
Answer: For the challenge of documenting my passion for design.
I think I should also admit I don’t regularly read blogs, who really has the time but maybe that will change too.
So, here goes….
I am currently in WV, my hometown state and the home of the Greenbrier Hotel where the famous designer Dorothy Draper decorated the hotel. I went on a interior tour of the hotel early this week with my 4 yr old daughter. So, you can only imagine how much I was really able to listen to the tour guide and I was dragged away to the toy store only 10 minutes after the tour started. However, I did manage to capture a few pictures of her fabulous bold style.
Olivia was also with us on the tour and I have no doubt she would really love the Greenbrier.