MY KIDS & ME - 5.30.14

Hi guys, it's me, that girl katie,

I wanted to do something special to remember my birthday this year so I decided to have pictures taken of my kids and me. My husband doesn’t like having his picture taken so, I saw no point in forcing the idea on him. Plus, he thought I was nuts when I was preplanning our vineyard vines outfits.

Some of you might know that my sister recently died and I have given myself a personal quote for the year “It’s Better To Look Up”. I imagine the more I say and think it, the more I will start to feel and believe in it. I knew these pictures would help remind me to look up.

So, when thinking about the photo shoot, I thought giant balloons would be fun for the kids, goes with my personal quote while also adding a pop of color. Or at least, that is what I was hoping for but I am learning things don't always turn out as planned.

By the time the photo session took place, you would of thought my kids had taken a 4 hour nap and I had pumped them up with sugar. Not the case! They went nuts for these balloons, the outdoor space and the fresh air.

These pictures turned out great and that speaks volumes for the photographer, mandy & me.

I often feel like a lioness with her cubs. I would do anything to PROTECT my kids and I know I am so lucky to be here watching and playing with them as they grow up.

My Photographing Tips:

- Coordinate and plan your outfits. - Have back up outfits. - Have 1-2 props for the kids to play with that adds to the picture. - Let kids be kids. - Shoot during the peak hours of 4:30-6:00pm when the sun is setting. - If all else fails, bring out some candy.


Hey guys, it's me, that girl katie, This past year the saying, "if you have your health, you have everything" has never hit me so hard. Sadly, a few people in my life have been faced with health concerns.

Today, I am talking about my Frister (Friend + Sister). This past week, her daughter had cranial surgery.

Since I couldn't be there to support her, I tapped into my creative side showing my love without physically being there.

So, I created hospital notes for my friend to read while her daughter was in surgery.

Hospital Notes_1
Hospital Notes_1

If you know someone who is facing a health crisis, I highly recommend the website, CaringBridge to help update family and friends.

Wedding Bells & Holiday Bells

Hi y'all, it's me, that girl katie, Are you ever stumped at what gift to give a pair of newlyweds?

Sure you can buy a piece of china, stem or glassware. Personally, the thought of a glass or plate makes me yawn and then to think you have to write a thank you note for it as well is another issue or blog post.

How about giving the newlyweds something that is personalized and actually used for a few weeks during the holiday season?

A selection of ornaments for their 1st tree trimming as a married couple.

I personalized a few with pictures of their wedding day and with their names.

My cousin & her family did this for my husband and me and it really has been one of the most memorable gifts.

Happy Holidays or Happy Wedding.

Source List:


Hi y'all, it's me, that girl katie, Nope, I don't have cancer but my sister does. It's been a surreal summer with an enormous amount of emotions running frequently throughout the days. I can't complain because it's simple, I am healthy.

My sister and I live far away which is hard on a normal day but then add cancer to the equation and it makes me wish I knew how to fly an airplane so I could pop in to simply hold her hand or give her a kiss and hug.

I have tired to come up with some creative ways of showing my unconditional love and support outside of the normal phone calls and cards from thousands miles away.

I wanted to share my ideas incase you are supporting a loved one from a far.

(if you click on the images below the entire collage will pop up larger)

Source list:

- Embroidery: - Organic Fruit: - Custom Bracelets: - Soup: - Curb Cancer:

I love you Stacy. Keep Fighting!